It was once believed that gay men made for particularly skillful spies and secret agents.
It was once believed that gay men made for particularly skillful spies and secret agents.
As long as trans attraction is looked at as a niche fetish for the sexually depraved, trans people will continue to be seen as fetish objects
I mean, fucking hell. Isn’t life hard enough already?
Often shunned by networks and larger production companies, LGBTQI writers and directors have started turning to audiences online
Naming and shaming
What have misandrists got? A radical writer, humour and one derogatory term? They just stand out like a sore thumb because they break the status quo.
If this doesn’t make you want to toss your lame-ass shaving razor through the window in a fit of man-loving passion, I don’t know what will.
They might be commonly mocked for their weird accents and meme-d for their overly attractive Prime Minister – but Canada is certainly doing something right.
Under the proposed law, those caught in gay PDAs would cop an on-the-spot fine or face up to two weeks imprisonment.