Why Everyone Should Probably See Teenage Kicks At SFF
We chat film-making and erections with the star of Sydney Film Festival queer breakout Teenage Kicks.
We chat film-making and erections with the star of Sydney Film Festival queer breakout Teenage Kicks.
“I never planned for Australia. It was my only choice.”
And despite what you see, I have confidence in me.
For a community historically steeped in the social defensive, are we still being viewed as unnatural candidates for positions of leadership and/or authority?
“The dialogue in this film comes exclusively from Donald Trump quotes.”
“Women aren’t meant to profit from promiscuity. We are meant to die a tragic death or learn our lesson and creep back into the acceptable sphere.”
“I will leave it to the psychiatrists to explain his affection for tyrants.”
“To not allow Homosexuals to donate blood product is discriminatory – and every argument against it falls down.”
We catch up for a chat with contemporary art expert and new Arts Party candidate Barry Keldoulis.