By Samuel Leighton-Dore

Yesterday wasn’t just another shitty Monday – it was officially the shittiest, most depressing day of the year. Yep. The third Monday of January has been scientifically proven (not sure about the “scientifically” part) as the day our post-holiday blues reach tipping point – which is precisely why we all need a good old fashioned cyber-tickle from Instagram legends The Gay Beards.

Describing themselves as “two best friends from a cozy little nest called Portland, Oregon,” the hairy studs “tend to think the world needs more love & laughter.” Their contribution to this dire shortage of love and laughter? Handsomely symmetrical selfies with thick, matching beards decorated like the campest pine-trees on Christmas morning.

There’s the floral:

gay beards flowers

The glittery…

gay beards glitter

The patriotic…

gay beards usa

The feathery…

gay beards feathers

The edible…

gay beards pop corn

The organic…

gay beards organic

And the colourful-fucking-cocktail-decorator…

gay beards colourful

Swoon. If that doesn’t make you want to toss your lame-ass shaving razor through the window in a fit of man-loving passion, I don’t know what will. You can (and probably should!) follow these blue-eyed devils on Instagram @TheGayBeards. I think you’ll find they’re the perfect social media come-up to your real life come-down.

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