Clinton Claims Nomination Dream
By Samuel Leighton-Dore
Love her or loathe her, there’s no denying that Hillary Clinton is one tough cookie.
Exactly eight years after conceding defeat to Barrack Obama in the 2008 Democratic Primaries, Clinton today solidified her place as Presumptive Nominee after decisive wins in New Jersey, California, South Dakota and New Mexico.
Taking to the stage in Brooklyn, Clinton proved once and for all that she has confidence, not only in sunshine and rain, but in the race for White House.

“Thanks to you, we’ve reached a milestone.” Clinton said to the cheering crowd.
“The first time in our nation’s history that a woman will be a major party’s nominee.”
“My mother believed that life is about serving others. And she taught me never to back down from a bully which it turns out was pretty good advice. I wish she could see her daughter become the Democratic party’s nominee.”
And while #ImWithHer became the #1 trending topic worldwide, #ImNotWithHer wasn’t too far behind – proving again that America is in for an interesting (and brutal) five months.
And with Trump announcing that he’ll be making an “interesting” speech on Monday, shit’s about to get real.